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Remote control center: VALEMO structures its supervisory activity

To celebrate the new year, the remote centre is getting a makeover! Indeed, it is now two workstations dedicated to this process.

While first one will be focused on wind farms (our historical activity), second one will allow a dedicated supervision on photovoltaic farms, hydro-electric plants and marine renewable sites. Those assets requiring to take a step back to finely analyse situations.

With a third technician hired, remote control center will be operated in 2020 as follow:

Work station (wind assets)2 technicians in 2x 8-hour shifts from 07:00 am to 10:00 pmA 24/7 telephone hotline
Work station (solar / hydro / MRE assets)1 technician from 09:00 am to 05:00 pmA 24/7 telephone hotline

VALEMO’s remote control center supervise:

  • 600 MW wind farms;
  • 62 MW photovoltaic farms;
  • 300 kW hydro-electric plants;
  • 3 marine renewable sites.


Installation of three floating wind turbines

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Expert videos: Get to the heart of our business!

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« Bridage de fauche » : Flanging the wind turbine when the fields are mown

The “Bridage de Fauche” is a measure designed to reduce the impact of wind turbines on raptor populations living in rural areas. During agricultural activities such as mowing, harvesting or ploughing, the small mammals that inhabit these fields are exposed, making them
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